Stu/D/O Architects 作品「Naiipa Art Complex」

圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
位於連接 Rama 4 路到 Phrakanong 空鐵站的 Sukhumvit 46 街上,Naiipa(意謂:森林深處)是一棟包含藝廊、錄音工作室、舞蹈教室、餐廳、咖啡廳和辦公空間的混和商用建築。Naiipa 這個名字取自於「將建築隱於森林之中」的設計概念,透過建築外圍的鏡面玻璃反射延伸綠化的視野。Naiipa 最主要的設計素材—基地中心的原始樹叢,讓Naiipa成為與樹木無縫共存的建築,創造讓居民和遊客獲得心靈平靜及鼓舞的自然藝術社區。
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
為了符合此建案2000平方公尺的商辦與零售空間需求,Naiipa 建築體主要分為A棟與B棟,並圍繞在中心樹叢的開放空間周圍。A棟為水平細長型的2層樓建築,讓陽光得以照射在原生的風鈴樹上,同時為居民創造一個能呼吸的庭院。相對於A棟的水平延展,B棟是一座向垂直方向生長的4層樓建築,透過多層次的露天走廊與A棟相接。在不更動任何一草一木的狀況下,走廊平台與現有樹木交織纏繞,與自然同步。
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
Naiipa 的結構設計也是從「維護現有樹木生長」出發:主要建築物採用典型的混凝土結構,保持建築結構的完整功能;而在樹木聚集的中央開放空間,引入鋼結構。由於建築物靠近樹叢,若使用砂漿會損壞現有的樹木,使用鋼材除了可以降低污染風險,同時也提升了在樹枝周圍擴展建築的靈活性。
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
Naiipa 以鏡面、半透明和透明三種不同的玻璃,組成富韻律感的摺疊外觀,聯結建築本體與周圍的城市環境,讓建築的邊界消失在自然與城市之中。建築的東立面面向街道,半透明的雙層立面有助於過濾和降低建築物的導熱。此外,外立面向入口聚集時,光滑的表面開始折疊,模仿陽光灑下時的光影舞動,暗示內部森林的意象。漂浮在鏡面中的內部空間,例如建築立面及「Bird Nest」畫廊,似乎在無止境的枝葉中分解並消失。人們在 Naiipa 裡,被樹木完全包圍,喚起「森林深處」的共鳴。
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
《洪人傑 x Kulthida帶路》曼谷大城?雙建築達人導師、建築師事務所拜訪、泰國當代建築美學設計行旅5日
作品名稱:Naiipa Art Complex
業 主:G'RIS 46
獲 獎
2015 Emerging Talent (Stu/D/O x NAIIPA)
2015 Wallpaper's Designs of the Year
2016 ASA Citation Award
建 築
事 務 所:Stu/D/O Architects
參 與 者:Apichart Srirojanapinyo、Chanasit Cholasuek、Adrian Smiths、Chompunuch Vanichayanguranon、Pitchaya Kointarangkul
結 構:B.N.G. Engineering
機 械:MEE Consultants
室 內:Stu/D/O Architects
景 觀:Field Landscape Studio
燈 光:Siriluck Chinsaengchai
識 別:KK Rakitawan
施 工
營 造 廠:Sittanant
顧 問:Chanin Limapornvanich
攝 影:Stu/D/O Architects, Pirak Anurakyawachon
作 圖:Stu/D/O Architects
圖片提供:Stu/D/O Architects
Stu/D/O Architects
Stu/D/O Architects是曼谷的一群建築設計師,涉足建築、城市規劃 、室內設計和永續設計等各種大型建築項目。Stu/D/O Architects考慮每個地點的物理環境和文化層次,並在設計過程中整合永續設計,為建築物的功能、環境和空間創造新的可能性。正在建設中的作品包括 MacroCare、Trocadero 和 Intercrop Offices 的新總部,曼谷市中心的 Portrait 和 Pela 公寓,Sriracha 的購物中心以及遍及泰國的私人住宅。其中,Zonic Vision Office 獲得了暹羅建築師協會(ASA)頒發的 2014 Citation Award 以及 Architizer 的 2015 A+ Awards in mid-rise office building。近期完成的 Naiipa 藝術中心也被Wallpaper * Magazine評選為2015年度建築。
>來自古城的完全感受 —「The Wine Ayutthaya」
>「本土進化論」— 泰國當代建築群展
>清邁CLC-Panyaden 國際綠色小學
>SdA-Siamese Gioia 公寓 隱密又開放的綠意空間
>Khun Duangrit Bunnag-另類閣樓Millennium Residence
資料提供:Stu/D/O Architects
編 譯:Florence Kao
Naiipa Art Complex
Naiipa (Literally means ‘Deep in the Forest’) is a mixed-use project consisted of an Art Gallery, Sound Recording Studio, Dance Studio, Restaurants, Coffee Shops, and Office Spaces. It is located on Sukhumvit 46, a small street that connects Rama 4 road to Phrakanong BTS Station on Sukhumvit road. The project is named after the concept of concealing the architecture in the forest as the vision of greenery is expanded by using reflective glass all around.
Upon arrival, visitors are greeted with the project’s main feature and driving force in design, groups of large, pre-existing trees in its center. From the very beginning, the goal of Naiipa has been to create architecture that seamlessly co-exists with the trees, providing a peaceful and inspiring art community for both its occupants and visitors.
In order to fulfill the 2,000-square-meter office and retail programmatic requirement of the project, the main functions are divided into two to main masses which bounded the site, leaving the main tree courtyard as a free open space. Building A was designed to be an elongated 2-story horizontal building, allowing sunlight to reach the existing Pink Trumpet Tree, preserving its growth while creating an atmospheric courtyard for the building’s occupant. To contrast the horizontal form of Building A, Building B is a vertically orientated 4-story building. The two main masses are then connected together by multi-level sculptural terraces that intertwine itself between the existing trees, leaving all the trees untouched.
The structural design for the project was also executed in respect and consideration to the existing trees. The two main buildings are constructed with a typical concrete structure in order to maintain the structural integrity of the function areas. Meanwhile, in the central open space area where the trees mostly congregate, steel structures were introduced. The shift in the structural system is due to the building’s close proximity to the greenery, where the use of mortar could damage the existing trees, thus by using steel structure, the risk of contamination is reduced. In addition, the steel structure provides more flexibility in navigating the construction around the expanding tree branches.
Three different types of glazing: reflective, translucent, and transparent, along with the rhythmic folding pattern of the façade, are utilized to link the architecture to the surrounding urban context conditions, as it gradually transforms the architecture and finally vanishes into nature. The east façade, which faces the street, is a translucent double façade, helping to filter and reduce heat flow into the building. Furthermore, as the translucent façade moves towards the entrance, its smooth surface begins to fold, alluding to the forest within, as the pattern mimics the dancing shadows cast by sunlight as it filters through the tree canopies. Once inside, the inner architectural façade and the floating “Bird Nest” Gallery clad in reflective glass seems to dissolve and disappear amongst the trees. It is this effect of being completely surrounded by trees that which evokes the feeling of truly being Naiipa.
Stu/D/O Project Team
Apichart Srirojanapinyo, Chanasit Cholasuek, Adrian Smiths, Chompunuch Vanichayanguranon, Pitchaya Kointarangkul
In Collaboration with
Landscape Architect: Field Landscape Studio
Lighting Designer: Siriluck Chinsaengchai
Identity Designer: KK Rakitawan
Structural Engineer: B.N.G. Engineering
Mechanical Engineer: MEE Consultants
Consultants: Chanin Limapornvanich
Contractor: Sittanant
Visualizer: Stu/D/O
Photography: Stu/D/O, Pirak Anurakyawachon
Awards: 2015 Emerging Talent (Stu/D/O x NAIIPA), Wallpaper’s Designs of the Year, 2016 ASA Citation Award
Stu/D/O Architects is a Bangkok based group of designers practicing architecture, urbanism, interior, and sustainable design. Our approach to design projects is to consider the layers of physical and cultural archaeology at each site to invent new possibilities for the buildings’ function, context, and space while insisting on integrating passive sustainable design in every process.
The office is currently involved in a large number of projects in various building types. Stu/D/O-designed buildings under construction include the new headquarters for MacroCare, Trocadero, and Intercrop Offices, the Portrait and Pela condominiums in central Bangkok, the Shopping Mall in Sriracha, and several private residences across the country.
Our completed projects are internationally recognized and awarded. ‘Zonic Vision Office’ has received the 2014 Citation Award from the Association of Siamese Architects (ASA) and the 2015 A+ Awards from Architizer in mid-rise office building category. Our recently completed ‘Naiipa Art Complex’ has also been selected as 2015 Building of the Year by Wallpaper* Magazine.